This solution can be done with any version of
SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint Online with Office 365.
Here’s a little bit of background on how the people picker is structured: 
It is structured as a repeating table, and the “group” can be renamed. No
other fields can be renamed
• DisplayName = Nizamuddin This is the first name and
last name of the user, which is going to be equivalent to the value of the
PreferredName field in the user profile service.
• AccountId = contoso\Nizamuddin This is domain\username
• AccountType = User This is User or Group.

Here are the steps to prepopulate the people picker:
- On the Data tab, click Data Connections.
Click Add..
- Choose Receive data and click Next. Choose SOAP web service, and click
- Type the URL of your site, and after the site, type
Click Next.

- Choose GetUserProfileByName. Click Next. Click
Next. Click Next. Click Finish.
- All we’ve done so far is create a connection to the user profile service web
service, so that we can get some additional information about the logged in
user. Since we only want the people picker to get pre-populated when it’s a new
form, we’re going to create a form load rule that does this.
If you
haven’t already placed a people picker control on your InfoPath 2010 form, go
ahead and do that.
- On the Data tab, click Form Load.
- In the form load rule pane on the right, click New and choose Action.
- We only want this to happen if there’s no name in the people picker yet, so
we’ll create a condition first. Under the word “Condition”, click the blue word
None – …
- Creating the condition: In the first drop-down box (myFields), click Select
a Field or Group. Navigate down to your people picker control group and expand
it. Select the AccountId and click OK.
- On the condition’s second drop-down, choose Is Blank.
Click OK.
- Back in the form load rule pane, click Add and choose
Set a Field’s Value.
- For the Field box, select the DisplayName field inside your
people picker form (that DisplayName field you see in the screenshot at step
9). Click OK.
- Click the fx (function) button next to the
Value box. Click Insert Field or Group… In
the Fields drop-down box, choose GetUserProfileByName.
- Drill all the way in the DataFields until you get to Value.
- Click the Filter Data button. Click the
Add button.
- In the first drop-down box that says Value, choose Select a field or
group. Select the Name field. Click OK.
- Leave the middle drop-down to say Is equal to. In the
third drop-down box, choose Type text. Type the word
PreferredName It will automatically put the quotes around
it for you, you don’t need to type those. (this is case sensitive, so you have
to type it exactly right) Click OK.
- On the Filter Data screen, click OK. On the select a field
or group screen, click OK. On the insert formula screen, click
- This is what your Rule Detail screen will look like. Click
- Back over in the form load rule pane on the right, click the
Add button again, and choose Set a field’s
- For the Field, drill down to your form’s people picker, and
select the AccountId field, as seen in step 9. Click OK.
- Repeat steps 13-16.
- Leave the middle drop-down to say Is equal to. In the third
drop-down box, choose Type text. Type the word
AccountName Click OK.
- This is what your Rule Detail screen will look like.
Click OK.
- In the Rule pane on the right, click the Add button yet
again. Choose set a field’s value.
- For the Field, pick the AccountType field within your
people picker. You can see what this field looks like back in step 9. Click
- In the Value box, just type the word User
- This is what your Rule Details screen will look like. Click
- Done. Publish your form and try it out. When you fill out a new form, your
own name will be populated in the people picker.
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